Born today: 4 people Inspiring People

September 19 – A very special date. Surprisingly, 4 awesome people who have touched my life were born today. In more ways than one, these fantastic individuals have inspired me and motivated me whenever things were not going my way.

When I got down to writing this post, I realised that at each important milestone of my life, an angel who was born on September 19 was sent by God.

Nishant Makasare, my brother, my alter ego.

During my growing years, it was my brother, Nishant Makasare who influenced my life positively. He continues to do so. He remains my closest confidant and go-to person.

Amita Jain, my sister in law with whom I haven’t had a single fight in the past 16 years.

When I got married, is was my sweet sister-in-law, Amita Jain whose steadfast support allowed me to settle in an alien culture. Her calm, composed attitude towards any hardship is an inspiration. She has always been by my side for the past 16 years silently protecting me from all harm.


Rahul Puri, my senior colleague who believes that all women are equal.

At the peak of my career, it was Rahul Puri, my senior colleague at Whistling Woods International who insisted that I take classes so that the lives of students may be transformed. In fact, when I got pregnant, a statement made by him changed my life forever. He said, “Pregnancy is a phase in a woman’s life, it is not the end. It is the beginning to a great new era and life only gets better work-wise.” This statement motivated me to continue working even after I delivered.


Tushar Khakhar
Tushar Khakhar, the man who believed in me while the world was sceptical.


When I decided to take a plunge into entrepreneurship, there was one person who believed in me while the world continued to be skeptical. My partner, my bhai, Tushar Khakhar, First Executive at AGENCY09. He stands by me like a rock, chides me when I am wrong, runs to me in times of hardship. We complement each other and move towards a common goal, together.

Here are a few common qualities all four of them possess:

  1. Emotional & forgiving
  2. Amiable &Β peace loving
  3. Can get aggressive if their integrity is questioned
  4. Harmless, but can kill for family
  5. Friend to many but close to just a handful
  6. Ambitious & strong-willed
  7. Goal orientedΒ & determined
  8. Heart of gold
  9. Pure in action and intent
  10. Believes that discussion can solve all communication problems
  11. Respectful towards women
  12. High on self-respect, low on ego
  13. Family is a lifeline
  14. Believes in giving everyone a chance
  15. Non-judgmental
  16. Never swayed by public opinion
  17. Unbiased in decision-making
  18. Will allow opinions to be expressed but will act only if convinced
  19. Balanced approach to problems
  20. Problem-solver and saviour
  21. Born transformational leaders
  22. Centre of attention in public events
  23. Never competitive, always inclusive
  24. Lead by example
  25. Holistic perspectiveΒ ZaHQ4Jf.jpgNishant, Rahul & Tushar love superheros and have ended up being one in the lives of their family members and colleagues. They thrive on delivering justice to the wrong and ensure that every game is played fair. With all three, I have had my share of fights, healthy arguments and disagreements. However, what remains common, is the mutual respect that we share. The fact remains that each one of them have touched my life and remain an inspiration to me.

On this special day, through this blog, I wish to thank Nishant, Amita, Rahul and Tushar for everything. Here is wishing a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to each one of them. May the Lord bless them and their family forever.

Is there someone who has touched your life? I would love to hear about them. Do write to me in the comments section. Don’t forget to like, share and recommend this blog post.

Penned by Mayura Amarkant

This is the third interview in the #StayInspired series. Here are the other two:
#StayInspired – 1: Dreams keep people alive
#StayInspired – 2: Marriage is a warm and intimate cocoon


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  1. Wow
    Happy birthday to all of them 😊
    They are so positive and good ones ..and even one of my senior friend is also of sep 19 and she is a sweetheart too πŸ™‚
    This date have some magic in it.


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