1. I do start the day with 2 glasses of water and as the day progresses, I tend to forget about replenishing the water levels. I have to work on this front. Thanks for sharing the practical tips Mayura.


  2. I remember emptying my water bottle before returning home as a child, not wanting to get scolded. :p Well, I’ll begin keeping a bottle at my desk from now on. Going to drink a glass right away!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The benefits of water are endless, Water is life itself.

    A lot of people also talk about the benefits of drinking warm water.


  4. This is such a valid point. We tried not to drink more water in school and college and the habit refuses to go. I’ve made it a point to drink a glass of water each morning. Must say, it does make me feel better.


  5. Interesting post! You must be health conscious to write something about health more seriously. Just saying 😉 because I’m health conscious, I can’t live without water, I drink too much and I needed it and got used to it. Can’t wait to read your other health related posts!! ✨☺️


    1. I have had a terrible water retention problem since my teen years. Have woken up with tiny eyes and a puffy face – many times. However, tt has disappeared after I increased my water intake, did Yoga and pursued my Health Transformation journey. I really dont know which of these worked for my water retention – or what is a combination. I feel, incase of any confusion, it’s always best to consult the doctor before trying anything new.


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