Affirmations for Assured SUCCESS in 2019 | Kareena Punjabi

We all agree that 2019 is going to be a defining year for each one of us. Or at least we believe it will be. Most of us have prepared a long list of New Year Resolutions and are determined to get them ticked off one by one. This post will enable you to reach your goals faster.

DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter requested Transformational Chakra Healer, KAREENA PUNJABI to conduct a special reading from the Redikall Healing Manual for 2019.


Kareena Punjabi helps people to identify what is blocking them from achieving their desires. She helps them clear the blockages & assists people in healing themselves to solve life’s problems. In the past, on this blog, she spoke about “5 ways to transform & heal yourself from within”.

Kareena acknowledges and expresses her deep gratitude to Aatmn Parmar the founder of Omnipresence Academy of Life & Redikall Healing.

What are Affirmations?

Simply put, affirmations are sentences that we keep repeating to ourselves. Anything you say whether in your mind or loudly, affects your subconscious. That’s why our elders always tell us about being careful of what we say.

Affirmations are NOT predictions. They help you change your thought process from a negative to a positive one. They create pathways to your goals, helping you with better relationships and health.

What do Positive Affirmations do?

  • They keep you motivated
  • They help you to focus on your goals
  • They influence your subconscious and ignite its power
  • They transform the way you act, feel, think
  • They help you to achieve your goals
  • By repeating affirmations, you will achieve your desires, feel positive, happy and active.

How to use the Positive Affirmations in the post?

Chant the affirmations 21 times – 3 times daily & watch the magic unfold.

How to use this post for maximum benefit?

  • FOLLOW this blog so that you get regular updates. (click the FOLLOW button at the bottom of this post).
  • Bookmark this post so that you can return to it
  • Take a print of the affirmations and stick them in your home at a place where you can see them.

While scrolling through this post, you may find that certain affirmations are required right away for you. You can choose to use them for maximum benefit as and when required.

January 2019: The month where you require FOCUS

You have made a New Year Resolution and now you need to stick to it. How do you remain focused and stay away from distractions? Lack of faith or boredom can force us to stray away from the goal.
The Chakra for January is: 12th Thoracic Vertebra

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


Keep moving forward in life, like a horse with blinkers.

Of course, there will be distractions, but the best & safest way to stay on your path is to be a blind follower of your inner calling. Keep moving ahead with focus in an obedient manner.

February 2019: The month of LOVE

We celebrate love in the month of February. Use this month to express love to your near and dear ones. Many of us get hurt in love and thus block the flow of love in our lives. The result is troubled relationships. What if you could allow love to flow in your life? Being loved is a beautiful feeling, isn’t it?
The Chakra for February is: Beginning of the Clavicle (right)

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


Check with yourself as to why you are generating the Fear of Being Loved.
Have you gone through a rough time in the past when you loved someone?
Do you have unpleasant experiences and associations with love?

Address your insecurities and concerns related to love.

Well, understand that it was your past and the future can be different. Fear is the greatest barrier to the flow of love. Being loved is the most cherished experience of life and we all love to be loved. However, the fear of being hurt once again stops us from expressing or receiving love. Don’t be afraid to love. Love can flow freely from you and through you.

You can intend and avail favorable responses from your loved ones. Say the affirmations and bring a feeling of security within yourself and courageously open up yourself to receive love from people around you.

March 2019: The month of the God of Wars

Wars is a metaphor for difficulties and challenges in life. Do you think that you keep facing challenges whenever you are about to progress in your life?
The Chakra for March is: Biceps (Right)

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


Are you constantly anticipating: Struggles, hardships, challenges, difficulties, arguments, and conflicts.
Are you benefiting from any of these? Are you Manifesting them as a distraction or an excuse?
Do you need this to prove your: patience, persistence, endurance and strength? Do you think it is possible for you to achieve anything you would like to without any of these hardships, challenges or difficulties?

What if you could receive in an Easy and Effortless Manner? Are YOU Ready to Receive Easily and Effortlessly!!

Trust Your Inner Strength and you don’t need to prove it to self or others time and time again! By inviting adversities and conflicts in your Universe!!

April 2019: The month of Opening up & Receiving

Clarity is important for personal and professional effectiveness. When you don’t have 100% clarity, you may stagnate or slowdown in life. It’s time to make up your mind and take care of your or other’s conflict, confusion & difficulties in deciding between various options.
The Chakra for April is: Temple (right)

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


Examine and address your reluctance to accept certain opportunities as they may not be suiting your beliefs, conditioning, and moral upbringing.

 It’s time to end this phase of confusion and conflict and remain open to receive.

Remaining in a confused state of mind could be an excuse for not moving forward properly in your life. Depending on the kind of option you choose, you are opening up yourself to a different set of experiences. You must know that you will receive all that you were meant to receive provided you choose the right option.

May 2019: The month named after the Goddess of Honour – Maiesta

Every gesture is right if you view it from the eyes of the divine. Our human attributes define honor & shame with strict boundaries. We have a choice of feeling ashamed of our actions or feel honored about them. Surely a lot depends on societal values and conditioning.
The Chakra for May is: Outer Edge Sternum at 8th Costochondral Joint (Right)

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


You are the creator of your Universe; when you honor all that is there in your universe, you are honoring yourself.

Honor your existence and all experiences, even if they do not fit in the norms set by the society.

When you honor yourself, others will honor you too, irrespective of what has happened in the past. We are all unique and special in our own ways. Honor your role and your life.

June 2019: The month to be flexible & embrace change

You may experience a lot of changes in this month. Change can be challenging and one may be resistant to accept changes. Accept changes as a part of life. Have faith & everything will fall into place.
The Chakra for June is: Knee Joint (Right)

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


Change is the norm of life. Nothing can be permanent and forever. Prepare yourself to change and accept changes as and when they come your way. You need to be more flexible and adaptable in order to put your best foot forward.

Ask yourself, what is it that you are resisting in life? The answer will explain reasons for your reluctance & help you to add flexibility in your approach.

People tend to stick to the same job, same partner, similar circumstances and same area of residence, etc. Though this brings a certain level of stability in life, it can bring rigidity and stagnation as well. It is a gentle reminder for you to permit the necessary change.

July 2019: The month to let go of Pride & Ego

Ego & pride could be your defenses that effectively mask your perceived shortcomings. You may not be able to put your best foot forward because of your ego & pride.
The Chakra for July is: Upper Part of Knee Joint (Left)

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


Using ego & pride as defenses usually it has something to do with your feeling being small, inadequate or wronged in certain areas of life. The more you put up your defensive at times offensive stance the worse your attitude becomes. Such behavior often brings out the worst in you and exposes all that you have been trying to mask.

You need to ask yourself, what it is that you are masking through your ego or pride?

Say the affirmations regularly and watch your ego & pride be replaced with a quiet sense of self-confidence. Your relationships & dealings will improve over time.

August 2019: The month to allow yourself to relax

You may have individuals around you who are constantly demanding in their attitude and approach. During your childhood, you may have faced situations where relaxing made you be labeled as lazy or useless. Let this month be the one where you get assertive about your needs.
The Chakra for August is: Below the wisdom tooth the soft part of the neck (Right)

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


You might perceive a need or pressure from the environment, which compels you to be busy and preoccupied all the time.

You may feel others are pressurizing you, however, it is quite possible that others are reciprocating your needs.

Actually, no one can stop you from taking a periodic break. You surely deserve a break from your busy routine. Go for it. Ask for it. Be assertive to demand as and when need it. This will enhance your performance and contribution eventually.

September 2019: The month to ditch stagnation

While you may be determined to move ahead, there is always a risk of stagnation and avoidance of moving on the path meant for you. You may tend to invite an unpleasant situation that pushes you behind instead of catapulting you forward.
The Chakra for September is: Right buttock

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.

Instead of taking it positively and aligning yourself to the intent of this situation, you turn back to defend yourself.

Treat the setback as temporary and keep moving forward.

You may tend to confront the unpleasant push from the situation or people. Instead of defending yourself what if you could take this push positively and motivate yourself to move?

October 2019: The month to let go of worries

You may be holding on to a lot of worries and concerns about what is going to happen in the future. You are well aware that holding on to these burdens is not letting you move easily on your life path. The following affirmation will allow you to succeed effortlessly.
The Chakra for October is: Shoulder (Left)

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


Address your worries & concerns for the future constructively with full faith in the higher plan. Know and believe that you are well looked after. Everything and all around you are also well looked after.

Your resistance to the possibilities in the future is inviting more persistence.

Don’t you think it’s time to release yourself from the worries and concerns of the future? Don’t allow the worries of future to burden you and slow you down!!

November 2019: The month to start respecting and adoring yourself

We tend to treat ourselves the way the world treats us. We feel respectable if others around us accord respect to us. The truth is that the world treats you the way you treat yourself. How about seeing a brighter smarter and respectable YOU? Why do you always have to harp on your shortcomings and neglect the beautiful and great qualities you already have?
You may eat even though you are not hungry OR you may work to please others despite being tired – these are examples of not respecting the needs of your body.
The Chakra for November is: Forearm Middle Point (Right)

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


If you are not feeling respected, adored and adulated by people who are important to you then you must check how much you are respecting, adoring and adulating yourself irrespective of your own self-critical and self-judgemental approach.

Is it possible for you to see yourself in a better light?
Is it possible to give yourself respect?

Each time you criticize any of your attributes including the color of your skin, your intelligence, your speech, your memory, you are actually derogating yourself!! Nothing can modify others’ approach towards you as much as your own approach towards yourself.

December 2019: The month to flow freely

Many times you feel stuck when you are attached to something or holding on to something. You could be holding on to your social position, your loved ones, your opinions, your confusion & even your comforts. Allow yourself to flow freely with faith.
The Chakra for December is: Between Pit of Stomach and Centre of Heart

Say the below affirmation 21 times – 3 times daily.


If you let go and instead flow with faith there would be no need to feel stuck. If you get attached to a station you may get stuck and may not be able to move on to the next destination.

Believe that you are being looked after and you are being guided all the time in an appropriate way.

So, it would be a good idea to flow with faith that life is taking you eventually where you need to go.


Are there any worries in your life that are bringing you down? Do you have any questions about the affirmations? Please leave your questions in the comment box below, I will get them answered from Kareena Punjabi. 

For individual sessions and further guidance, you can get in touch with Kareena Punjabi on Or call on the number below:


Affirmations & explanations by Kareena Punjabi

Curated & re-written by Mayura Amarkant 



  1. Hi Kareena
    Very inspirational read…am personally a strong believer in positive affirmations… Am sure your endeavor is going to help many people… wishing you all the best and lots of ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Kareena
    Very inspirational read…am personally a strong believer in positive affirmations… Am sure your endeavor is going to help many people… wishing you all the best and lots of ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Kareena ji,
    Your positive Affirmations are surely going to help many people…You Are doing good job ..God Bless U n Wish Happy New Year!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for this information and indeed I have a personal experience to back up this blog.
    The life changing affirmations have immense power. Last but not the least I am so thankful for Kareena to enlighten my life.

    Liked by 1 person

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