From this world to the next, a transition in waiting


The soul awaits salvation, the mind thirsts for freedom,

Awaits the mind, a transition much needed,

A transcendence from loneliness to a feeling of being,

A change from survival to the life of a human being.


Pandemonium reigns the environs, and destruction prevails,

Amidst the uproar and confusion, the mind awaits peace,

The soul yearns for the sound of silence that once did outweigh,

The feelings of insecurity and terror of yesterday.


Will there be a tomorrow that is beautiful and promising,

A tomorrow that will bring joys and goodies,

The chaos will die down and the rule of peace will emerge,

Will there be a morning when the happiness will surge?


It is a long wait and deliverance is going to take long,

Tests of patience and trials of endurance must be faced,

A changeover to the neoteric, a makeover that is a-wanting,

From this world to the next, this is a transition in waiting.

– Penned by Mayura Amarkant


shutterstock_98691How are you coping with crossroads in your career and personal life? Do drop in your views and comments, I would love to read them. 





Here are some more poems that I have written:

  1. Faceless Name, Nameless Face
  2. The day I died
  3. The Power of Prayer
  4. I haven’t gone home…


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  1. Very beautifully written Poem. The human soul lasts forever. We each have an eternal inner being, a spiritual reality that retains our individuality, our character and our level of human maturation and development when our body dies. The soul, after its separation from the body, will continue to progress until it attain the presence of God, in a state and condition which neither the revolution of ages and centuries, nor the changes and chances of this world, can alter. It will endure as long as the Kingdom of God, His sovereignty, His dominion and power will endure. It will manifest the signs of God and His attributes, and will reveal His loving kindness and bounty. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem with me.


  2. This poem is written so well that many of us can relate to this. Your vocabulary is amazing and it did help me learn a few new words. Maybe you should add the meanings of such words at the end of your post to help readers like me :). Wonderful poetry again!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It is very difficult to make decisions period. Where ever you are at, there will be choices and priorities that confront you. What I tend to do is, just choose what I will regret not doing later. Usually works. It is about knowing what you want and what is important to you, because these crisis will remain, and confront us always.


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