MEENA CHATTY’s The colony kid is a shower of nostalgia | BOOK REVIEW

I remember when I was young, my parents would narrate stories of their childhood. Ah yes, the old “back in my day” stories. Looking back, I remember little of those tales, but I do recall they always ended with my parents claiming their time was better and our generation will never know the greatness of the good old days.

“The Colony Kid” by Meena Chatty takes a modern spin on this traditional style of storytelling, that made me yearn for the old times but also made me feel grateful for the current times.

Mayura Amarkant about The Colony Kid by Meena Chatty

The premise of The Colony Kid

The book revolves around Meena (the author) growing up in a colony in the outskirts of Bangalore with her Parents, Grandma and younger sister, and her story of growing up as a child in a middle-class family in 80s. Her charming tales of finding happiness in the smallest of things and making the most of everything they had, and her adventures with her family took me back to my childhood and revived some of my old treasured memories, and made me feel like a child again as I read along.

What I liked about the book

The author captured my imagination with vivid descriptions and detail, and the words painted a picture of every scene in my mind. Meena Chatty’s conversational style of writing makes you feel a personal connect with her and her family, like you’re a part of the family, having a pleasant talk with her over old times. She perfectly describes how the times have changed, and people have changed with it.

The author states she can’t imagine giving her daughters the childhood she and her sister had, nor would she prefer living in those circumstances today that she would’ve happily abided to when she was young, and how technological advancements have changed us on a personal level.

The author equally describes the pros and cons of both times equally and emphasises how even in non-ideal conditions, she made the most of everything she had. Her neutral, unbiased take on both eras sets this book apart from the others for me.

DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter about The Colony Kid by Meena Chatty

Downsides of the book

The animated character and millennial colours on the cover may lead a person to assume that the book is for pre-teens or youngsters. However, the book is targeted towards 35+ readers.

If Meena wishes to take this book to a larger audience, she may want to look at an editor who will help her weed out the repetitions in the narrative.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, this book is a brilliant choice for oldies like me to reminisce on our childhood.  The writing is vivid, conversational and fun. It truly felt refreshing to read such a positive book, and positivity is ultimately paramount in these trying times. It shows how as kids adapted to change and found happiness in everything, and encourages us to do the same today.

This book is a brilliant choice for ‘oldies’ like me to reminisce on our childhood. The writing is vivid, conversational and fun.

Verdict: 4.5/5

Download the book from the Blogchatter Ebook Library. Trust me, you will LOVE it!

Penned by:

Mayura Amarkant

©MayuraAmarkant. This article is the property of DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mayura Amarkant (DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. Mayura Amarkant has written this post only after being completely convinced about the book, The Colony Kid by Meena Chatty. However, DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter takes no responsibility for the content quality, endorsements or information put out by Roma, Blogchatter or their associates. DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter urges readers to take their buying/viewing/downloading/reading decisions independently after doing their own due diligence


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