On a tight budget? Check these innovative gifting options under inr 500 | OyeHappy Review

Our parents, the Baby Boomers, belong to the generation where the concept of casual gifting didn’t exist. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and Diwali were occasions where one sparingly bought gifts. They recycled most gifts from gifts given by others. O

We, the Gen X, is where the concept of gifting cards and little mementos came into existence. We saw the rise of Archies Cards, Satyam Collection and Asiatic Gift Shops in Mumbai. Soon it spread to other parts of the country. Most of the people in our generation spent hours browsing through cards at the popular galleries and took pride in gifting them to our crush/beau.

The Gen Y extended personal gifting to corporate gifting. This became a very popular concept where corporate gifts became part of the relationship-building process.

Enter Gen Z & Casual Gifting makes a grand entry!

A May 2019 research by ‘Qwikcliver’ one of the leading gift card companies says that the online gifting industry is a contributor to the growth of Indian e-commerce space. They estimate the global gifting market to $475 billion and lays its bets on India as one of the biggest contributors by 2024. ‘Qwikcliver’ says that the current online gifting market of $65 million in India will jump to $ 84 billion by 2024.

Online Gifting market in India 2020
2019: Qwikcilver’s Research was published in Economic Times

We have all seen how the pandemic has led to the surge of online gifting across all corners of the country. The convenience of ‘contact-less delivery’ and global reach combined with affordability makes it a viable value proposition for the buyer.

Customer’s needs, wants and desires are unlimited and thus they are always looking for more and more options to buy from. They spend hours on online platforms looking for the best gifting options for their loved ones. Baby Boomers, Gen X & Y are happy with the generic platforms like Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal. They look for affordability and convenience of delivery.

However, the Gen Z is a different breed altogether, they look for customised and personalized options for casual gifting.

For GenZ, gifting is a way to keep memories alive and make a mark. The gifter’s sense of personal worth increases when the giftee uploads the pictures on social media and tags them. The entire game is about likes, praiseworthy comments, personal chats followed up by a few offline discussions.

Gen Z is always hungry for newer and newer unique gifting options to satiate their casual gifting experience. And yes, they are always on a tight budget.

Players like Oye Happy are bringing innovative casual gifting options that Gen Z loves.
innovative ways of gifting - Oye happy

Players like Oye Happy are bringing innovative casual gifting options that Gen Z loves.

DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter scoured through OyeHappy ecommerce website and found some cool options for casual gifting. 15-year-old Abhimanyu made it a mission to find casual gifts for himself, his sister and his parents. He had pegged each gift to be below INR 500 with a total budget pool of INR 1000.

Here’s what my teenager bought from OyeHappy:

Box of Insults: INR 249

My teenager says Oye Happy’s Box of insults redefines how to show the middle finger to frenemies.

Getting pleasure from insulting a friend is super fun. The box has 21 insults written by the most sarcastic Happiness Scientists.

Some of my teenager’s favourite ones are:

  • If I was a bird, I know who I’d shit on
  • You’re so ugly when you look in the mirror, your reflection looks away
  • The last time I saw something like you, I flushed it.
  • My middle finger gets a boner every time I see you.
  • Calm down. Take a deep breath and then hold it for about twenty minutes.

Oye Happy’s Box of insults redefines how to show the middle finger to frenemies.

15-year-old, Abhimanyu Jain

The Talkative Mug: INR 299

My teenager bought this mug for his 6-year-old, talkative sister, Sanskriti.

My 6-year-old daughter, Sanskriti is a bundle of vivacity. She loves talking and misses speaking to her brother when he is studying. She now writes her messages on this coffee mug and places it on his desk every day.

I love to write important messages for my brother on the mug. It helps us communicate when he is studying or attending classes.

6-year-old, Sanskriti

Never have I ever: INR 490

Too young for Never have I Ever?? I think not!! It was fun to see 15-year-old Abhimanyu’s expressions!

Oye Happy’s website mentions that this gift is ideal for 21 and above. But we all know the saying, curiosity killed the cat! Abhimanyu cheekily ordered this gift for himself and watching his expressions as he read through each card was priceless! He bought this gift for my husband and me so we could play it during our house parties.

This box has 40 cards, each with a funny admission. A player picks a card and reads it aloud. All those who have done what the card says in their past must take a sip of their drink. The game ends when all cards are over or someone passes out after too many sips! Sounds like super fun!

Too young/old for Never have I Ever?? I think not!! It was fun to see 15-year-old Abhimanyu’s expressions! He bought the box for us, his parents, so we could play during our house parties.

As a parent of two boisterous Gen Z kids, I had to play along with their choices and I did it with no regrets. There are so many innovative gifting options on Oye Happy that one must check out. The founders seemed to have cracked the code of making their way into the hearts of a population that loves spending on innovation and ideas.

Do check out OyeHappy.com and let me know your views.

Penned by:

Mayura Amarkant


©MayuraAmarkant. This article is the property of DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mayura Amarkant (DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter takes no responsibility of the content quality, endorsements or information put out by OyeHappy or its associates. We have published the above review because my kids found the products at OyeHappy interesting and innovative. DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter urges readers to take their buying decision independently after doing their own due-diligence.


  1. OMG, this box of insult is a dangerous ‘gift’ i can ever have… Thank god I belong to Gen X where Archies Card and teddy bear on the sleeves were the trendy gifts. 😀

    Although I liked Sankriti’s choice and yes Never have I ever is the coolest play option for adults. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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