“I have been watching you….” | Women’s Day Poem

Yes…I have…

I observed how you make a million sacrifices that go unnoticed…

I have noticed how you ensure your family gets more than the care they deserve…

I have seen you smiling through “those 5 days” & jumping on the trampoline just to see your child giggle in glee…

When your hopes are down and you are having had a bad day, I love how you just rise like Phoenix and wear your kick-ass attitude and face the world’s challenges…

To you, everything matters, and nothing does…

It’s amazing to see how you are the perfect answer to your man’s prayers.

Girl… woman… lady… yes… I have been watching you…

And… I confess…

You are every woman I know… and yet… there is no one like you

Penned by:

Mayura Amarkant

©MayuraAmarkant. This is an original work of fiction written by Mayura Amarkant. This article – in whole or in part CANNOT be used by any platform without prior permission from the author. This article is the property of DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Mayura Amarkant (DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter). With the right and specific direction to the original content. This is NOT a sponsored post.


  1. Please delete my previous comment. Awesome tribute to women. especially the 5 days u mention.I used to be in a bad state and my husband used to say that’s when I cooked the most in spite of the dysmenorrhea

    Liked by 1 person

  2. For a woman or a man..this poem addresses all mankind I guess. Having faith in God or any force gives us a lot of strength. And without the dips, there is no value of the high too. But instead of just praying for help we should also pray in gratitude. Do u agree Mayura?

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  3. This poetry must be read to every woman. This is seriously quiet thought provoking. Just a simple pat on the back can take away all the stress and I really feel every woman, or man deserves that pat. It can do wonders to their spirit.

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  4. The opening lines and that picture of a man peeping almost gave me the creeps , but when I read on , I was really touched by the empathy in the words.

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  5. Women are made with special care and a purpose, I always tell this to my daughter. God made us with love and care to keep the earth moving. Our little hands and big eyes make the world shiny and bright, after all our world is also – feminine (dharti maa)

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  6. Such an awesome way to acknowledge the efforts of women. A woman can do anything, she’s the backbone of her family and is capable of facing any challenges that come in her way. Beautifully written poem.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. How very well expressed! Women are capable of being anything they want to be and their strength comes from within. I hope there are more of our tribe who appreciate and celebrate our gender like you did.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow so beautiful dear. Agree women make millions sacrifices everyday and they got unnoticed. Perfect poem for women’s day celebration.

    Liked by 1 person

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