The footprints | Short fiction | #StoryTellersBlogHop

12-year-old Sara was curled up in a fetal position on her bed. Her hands were trembling as she drew the blanket over her head, the bed was shaking as she trembled like a leaf in a storm. Just outside her room, she could hear her father growling and her mother screaming back. Pots and pans came crashing down. The sounds of furniture being pushed around were getting louder even as her heart threatened to explode.
Read on to know what happened next…

Short story about a blade of grass - fiction

Secret Memoirs of a blade of grass | #MyFriendAlexa | #DiaryOfAnInsaneWriterWrites

The original idea of this story belongs to my father-in-law, Shri Krishankant Jain. When we were talking about the theme at the dinner table, he suggested that I should write this story since it has a moral for each one of us. You may wonder what story a mere blade grass would have to tell. The moral of this story will leave you with a lasting thought about how we all lead our lives. Read on to set out on an introspective journey.

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